Thursday, January 12, 2012

Falling in Love with Amrita

Is anyone else over winter already, or is it just me? Trust me, I like the lace tights, the velvet pants & the pea coats just as much as the next person, but what I don't like is walking outdoors in it. Never the less the biggest problem has been the amount of bland colors I see surrounding me every time I go out somewhere. I get that its winter, but its no excuse to dress like you're coming from a funeral constantly. Color is still you're friend even when its 30 degrees. When you're covered head to toe, looking pale, the last thing you want is to feel like you're just melting into one blob. That's where color plays into the picture. This winter we are lucky enough to have a ton of designers who are offering colored denim. I posted a blog about neon colored pants last year, but at the time it wasn't that readily available. This winter though it's basically everywhere! Every shade, from a hunter green to a kelly green is out, & perfect to pair with your darker hued tops & sweaters.

My latest guilty pleasure though, is adding color in the form of jewelry. I'm pretty much in love with everything Amrita Singh makes, its all colorful and huge. Very Indian meets Bollywood. The earrings are statement pieces in themselves, and so are all the necklaces. Accessories are a great choice when trying to make an outfit go from boring to stand out. I have a few of my fav's from the collection below... try not to fall too much in love


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