Friday, August 12, 2011

Navy blue love affair

I'm not sure if its the fashion lover, or the OCD in me, that I can blame for shamelessly color coordinating every detail of my closet. As I went on a rampage to fix misplaced pieces I noticed one eerie but typical trend going on .... there was blue everywhere. Maybe it's my blue eyes that gravitate me toward those hues, but regardless my closet is one big blue party. In my defense, it looks like I will get a little lucky this fall because the pairing of Navy & Gold colors is BACK! There are beautiful Navy maxi's with gold detail (love), blue & gold bangles with charms, and scarves with the richest blues & the brightest metallics to match. In other words, tis the season to stock up on blue & brighten it up with a lot of gold accessories! 

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