Sunday, May 1, 2011

On Trend: Electric Colors

The amount of electric blue, bright orange & hot pinks that we saw during the England coverage of the Royal Wedding was bananas. Everywhere you looked someone was wearing these bold hues. Every spring we get lots of new colors, but this spring its everything amplified 10X. I'm talking about hues that are so bright you can see them a mile away. Not quite neon, but still incredibly sharp. Rich cherry reds, lemonade yellow, tangerine orange... All perfectly blended in dresses & handbags. It's best to chose one bright statement piece and go natural for the other accessories. If you wear an electric blue top, do white pants, nude pumps, and big gold bangles. Your top will be the center piece. Same goes for a bright dress. Don't overdo it with matching neon pumps because that can clutter the outfit & take it from fashionable to a messy look. As usual, here is you're eye candy..


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