Friday, September 28, 2012

Oxblood?? Fall 2012 Trend

I bet you're thinking, "seriously, I'm supposed to get excited about a color called Oxblood?" I won't lie, this is just a snazzier way to say burgundy. It's basically a red/brown color combo and very on trend for this fall. I think everyone is tired of saying burgundy, so this is like the new word. Please go ask your sales associate if they have any Oxblood sweaters... Just for fun. Gotta keep them on their toes right?

Either way, I'm not going to lie, it's a pretty color. During the fall you feel like wearing darker hues, so this is a nice compromise. I especially like the Oxblood clutches & pants because they change things up from the same old same old. This trend is great for all age groups. It speaks mature & sophisticated.


Urban Outfitters
New Look
Miss Selfridge

Banana Republic


Bauble Bar


Fall Obsession: Velvet Blazers for Women AND Men

Yessssssss, let me start by saying how much I ADORE velvet! I have 2 pairs of Siwy velvet pants that I could wear almost daily if it was socially acceptable. I obviously own a velvet dress as well as a body suit. I really can not get enough. Don't doubt that I will have a velvet handbag at some point in my life.

Now, on to the best invention since velvet itself... Velvet blazers. I truly can not think of a more chic combination than those two. Blazers have become a staple over the last few years in the closets of women everywhere. You can put it on with shorts, a dress, jeans, leggings, you name it, and it instantly adds that touch of sophistication. The velvet blazers out this year are sheer perfection. They have elegance and they have ease. From Rachel Zoe to J.Crew to YSL, this trend has spanned across nearly all fashion houses during the Fall fashion week this past spring. And it is sure to make a splash in closets everywhere. I promise you this, you WILL want to get one ASAP. This trend will completely take off, and I wouldn't be surprised if it starts an all around velvet revolution.

PS - This trend is for GUYS too... I haven't forgot about you all!

Some eye candy to lust over..

Ann Taylor
