Wednesday, August 17, 2011

And the results are in..

Sorry New York, it's been great, but it looks like London has just won the bid for the fashion capital of the world. Am I surprised? Absolutely not. I've already traded at least 50% of my wardrobe for styles from overseas (sorry USA). London has an amazing influence on what is to come in terms of fashion. I'm sure this flux in fashion interest to England has everything to do with Mrs. Kate Middleton & Pippa. I mean, us Americans could not possibly be MORE obsessed with they wear & do. This has inspired more designers to come up with even greater pieces & has led to bigger inspiration.

Would you guys shop overseas versus the comfort of your local malls?
Tough desicions...


Monday, August 15, 2011

The Golden Rule

With Fall clothes coming in, and summer clothes slowly being filtered out, now is the in-between stage. Everyone creates a mix of outfits from some old & some new. I think now is a good time to reiterate the golden rule of fashion. This rule is that doesn't get followed & then lands lands every celeb on the worst dressed list. I'm talking about the rule of skin. Just how much skin is sexy and what crosses the line for being trashy? There is a really simple rule for any girl to remember that will surely keep them classy.

Think of your body as having two halves. One being from your hips up, and one being from your hips down. When you create your outfit you need to pick ONE part that will be your sexy eye catcher. Let this area be uncovered, but make sure the opposite half stays modest. Lets say you decide you want to flatter your chest, so you wear a sexy low cut top. Then, under no circumstances should you pair that with booty shorts. You only want to show off ONE asset at a time. The same goes for the opposite. If you want to wear a mini dress to show off your legs, then make sure the top is high coverage, so you don't have cleavage all over the place like a playboy bunny. Everything is sexy in moderation. Whichever area you choose to highlight, make sure the opposite is balanced accordingly. If you keep this rule in mind when mixing & matching trends you will always stay classy. It's easy to get carried away when you see the crop tops coming for Fall & you think its okay to wear it with some tiny shorts from summer... except its totally not acceptable. Opt for a pair of denim skinny jeans instead.

Have fun with mixing your things up, and creating looks that are unique. I always say that a sense of personal style and confidence is going to get you further in life then following the norm. Think outside the box & always stay true to yourself.

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Friday, August 12, 2011

Navy blue love affair

I'm not sure if its the fashion lover, or the OCD in me, that I can blame for shamelessly color coordinating every detail of my closet. As I went on a rampage to fix misplaced pieces I noticed one eerie but typical trend going on .... there was blue everywhere. Maybe it's my blue eyes that gravitate me toward those hues, but regardless my closet is one big blue party. In my defense, it looks like I will get a little lucky this fall because the pairing of Navy & Gold colors is BACK! There are beautiful Navy maxi's with gold detail (love), blue & gold bangles with charms, and scarves with the richest blues & the brightest metallics to match. In other words, tis the season to stock up on blue & brighten it up with a lot of gold accessories!